18 products
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Valentine Blue RoseValentine Blue Rose
Valentine Blue Rose
Sale price$139.00
2 bunnies in love sitting on a bench, valentine flowers and chocolates2 bunnies in love sitting on a bench, valentine flowers and chocolates
Apple Blossom Faberge EggApple Blossom Faberge Egg
Apple Blossom Faberge Egg
Sale price$270.00
Red Flowers Faberge Egg Easter Egg Keren KopalRed Flowers Faberge Egg Easter Egg Keren Kopal
Red Flowers Faberge Egg
Sale price$394.00
Black & Orange Butterfly on FlowersBlack & Orange Butterfly on Flowers
Faberge Egg Decorated with Flowers Faberge Egg Keren KopalFaberge Egg Decorated with Flowers Faberge Egg Keren Kopal
Two Frogs Sitting Together trinket box Keren KopalTwo Frogs Sitting Together trinket box Keren Kopal
Romantic Frog Holding Flowers trinket box Keren KopalRomantic Frog Holding Flowers trinket box Keren Kopal
Blue Butterfly on FlowersBlue Butterfly on Flowers
Blue Butterfly on Flowers
Sale price$129.00
Kissing Frogs trinket boxKissing Frogs trinket box
Kissing Frogs trinket box
Sale price$89.00
spiral salmon pink Faberge Egg with flowers bouquetspiral salmon pink Faberge Egg with flowers bouquet
Gold Egg with surprise Tulip flowerGold Egg with surprise Tulip flower
Purple Egg with two Gold love dovesPurple Egg with two Gold love doves
Pink egg decorated with hearts valentine's dayPink egg decorated with hearts valentine's day
Valentine Red RoseValentine Red Rose
Valentine Red Rose
Sale price$136.50
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Red Roses Faberge Egg With a Surprise Colorful Ball InsideRed Roses Faberge Egg With a Surprise Colorful Ball Inside
Turquoise Faberge Egg with Flowers and ButterflyTurquoise Faberge Egg with Flowers and Butterfly
Red Faberge Egg with Flowers and ButterflyRed Faberge Egg with Flowers and Butterfly

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